Rutherford Wilkinson in conjunction with members of Trinity Chambers Matrimonial Finance Team, will be delivering a summary on the surprising and unexpected pensions announcements in the 2014 Spring Budget. The session, entitled “A bolt from the blue – Impact of the Spring Budget in matrimonial finance cases”, will offer some views on the financial planning aspects of the changes and how the extra flexibility might impact and indeed be useful in divorce settlements. The event will examine the effect of the announcement on Pension Sharing Orders and offset calculations.

The speakers will include from Rutherford Wilkinson, Trevor Clark and Mike Gordon and Trinity Chambers specialist Matrimonial Finance barristers, Christopher Knox, Timothy Spain and Nicola Shaw will contribute to a panel discussion exploring the practical implications of the Budget announcement.

The seminar is being held at Trinity Chambers. Registration is at 5pm, with the speakers from 5.30pm. There is no charge for this event which attracts 2 SRA accredited CPD. To book a place please visit